Like other tea plants, the green
plants leaves and taken in the brew to presented in the form of drinks. Green tea is able to replace the
coffee liqueur or the other because of the caffeine content less and more
healthy. Green tea is very popular in parts of Southeast Asia, China, Hong
Kong, Taiwan, Japan, the Middle East and now increasingly popular State of the
West. One of the well-known content from the Green is the cluster of Catechins,
which helps inhibit tumorgenesis on stage initial,
promotion, and progression.
The use of green tea is also becoming
increasingly diverse, not only to drink but had used the society to coloring
and flavoring, the mixture of natural cosmetics, to whom he turned food
supplement. The benefits of green tea itself among them to the health, the
beauty of the skin, for pregnant women, maintain blood pressure, to keep the
weight of the body. Well, one of the problems frequently experienced by
communities is excessive weight. The Green that has a content of antioxidants
as well as being able to burn the fat making it as one of the popular diet drug
In order to use the green tea diet is
successful there are 10 ways to diet with green tea which we can use,
1. Drink green tea as
a habit
Just like in Japan they have a
tradition of drinking green tea on several occasions. It also can we apply our
diet in order to be successful. Make it a habit
to replace our drinks when breakfast, use of green tea as the intake of
fluids into the body. In addition to the time, day and night before bedtime is also fit to drink green tea as a
diet drug.
2. Green tea consumption as much as
3-6 times a day
As described above, there is three perfect times to drink green tea as a remedy a proper diet. In the morning,
noon, and night. In addition to the time, drinking tea in the afternoon when we
sit around a relaxed alternative is also
becoming a great time drinking tea from the country this the opposite side
However, for we see, consume green
tea is excessive is also not good for our health. One of the impacts we will
naturally if consuming excessive iron absorption is a disruption in the body
resulting in us suffer from Anemia. Consume at most six glasses a day is the
maximum acceptable limit of the body most Indonesia community.
3. Drink green tea as a substitute
for the hungry
This is one powerful way to diet
programs which we are living. Appetite less controllable and not on time could
result in excessive weight gain, when this happens we can replace the hunger by
consuming green tea. Each of us was hungry, consume a glass of green tea to hold off hunger longer until meal time comes.
For the first time, we did a diet
program, this will probably feel heavy,
but get used to eating at a predetermined time, long-duration we will get used
4. Consume green tea without the use of
a mixture of
There is
some materials blend that can ruin usefulness of green tea diet as a cure.
Among them, namely sugar and cream. Do not mix the sugar and cream when
consuming green tea, because it will spoil the efficacy
green tea diet as a cure. In addition, there is a mixture of materials that are
able to increase the green tea efficacy,
i.e., the juice of the lime juice. When are we going to consume a glass of
green tea, we can add one spoon of lemon juice. Because some of the research
has proven the juice of lemons can lose weight more quickly. Add the lemon
juice will probably interfere with users who have a history of the ill mag, for sufferers of the disease is not
recommended for consumed juice of a lime, because of consuming green tea without the
juice already feels good.
5. Drink green tea before eating
After applying the tea drinking
habits, as the thing we have to note again is the hour when we consume the tea.
The most appropriate moment we consume green tea was shortly before eating. In addition, to being
able to control our appetite, green tea can also as a tool to prevent hungry so
that food into our bodies is not excessive. Seek we spend one glass of green
tea shortly before breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
6. Choose the right green tea
In addition to paying attention to how we consume green tea, we should
also pay attention to the type of green tea which is nice to support our diet.
Green tea actually existing in the market have the same efficacy to keep our
weight. but a good brand to diet is a type of green tea with Matcha. Matcha tea
is more nutritious than other types of tea because it has 137 times more
antioxidants compared to other types of tea.
7. Consumption of tea in a Warm State is better
To get the maximum benefits of drinking green tea in a warm State.
Because there are some people believe cold tea can even bring danger to our
body, rather than bring benefits. We can BREW tea in conditions of water
temperature 80-90 ° c, and let sit a few
minutes then cool before consumption. In addition to green tea in a warm State
is more nutritious, warm green tea was also able to bring comfort to our body.
8. Choose green tea Herbs Without a mix
How to diet with green tea is carefully choosing green tea without the
mix of other chemicals. The number of types of tea that exists amongst the
people requires that we should be more observant to enhance the success of our
diet. A lot of green tea on offer already mixed and sometimes have higher
caffeine. We must choose to have tea jelly that we consume is herbal tea is
good for the health of the body.
Moreover, herbal teas without caffeine are
also safely be consumed at the end of the day when we will depart to bed. Mix
the tea with caffeine will disturb our sleep time
and not well consumed before going to
bed, in contrast with herbal teas without caffeine.
9. the search for the best quality Tea
In addition to the type of tea that we have to look at is the quality of
the tea. Select the guaranteed tea material so the quality of teas is also guaranteed. There is no harm before we
buy green tea we do research against petty tea products existing in the market.
10. Maintain motivation and don't get Bored
Sensory taster, we have saturated
the point against one particular flavor. So that it does not happen when we are
inside the program using diet green tea, vary the flavors that we consume. Can
we modify with additional material that
we call above. Sometimes we can just
drink green tea without any additional, or can we add one scoop of lemon.
Besides keeping the motivation as well we have to do so that we remain at the initial intent when he wanted to run a
program on a diet. Remember and if necessary write so our motivation maintained
as they are.
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