9 This Powerful inexpensive food Make white skin Glow

Have a white glow is always yearning to all women. No wonder that the womenfolk willingly bela-belain went to the clinic and beauty to spend big for the sake of getting the skin bak the King's daughter.

Nah actually needs to be expensive to be beautiful and have a white glow. All of it can be obtained by consuming healthy and nutritious food with prices quite affordable, such as the following: food ingredients

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1. Almond

Eating almonds is believed will make the skin become more clean and smooth. The content of vitamin E, B vitamins, and protein that is found in almonds will nourish the skin right down to the deepest layers, so that any skin look healthier. In addition, the good fat content will also moisturize the skin so the skin doesn't dry.

2. Broccoli

Broccoli good for a good diet, and also to make a white glow. Chlorophyll substance contained on the vegetable broccoli works as an anti-inflammatory that will detoxify or remove toxins always exist in the body from the inside out. Well if you want to have a healthy skin, consumption of broccoli at least twice a week as a lunch dish you Yes, girls.

3. Yogurt

Yogurt is fermented milk results that must be consumed by people who are living a healthy diet. The good bacteria found in yogurt is also able to address the problems of digestion and constipation (chapter).

Behind it all, yogurt is also very good for nourishing your skin part layer inside and outside because of yogurt contain biotin is very high, so it is perfect to brighten skin is consumed.

4. Salmon

Salmon is rich in nutrients, proteins, and fatty acids are good for inflammation in the body. In addition, the content of omega 3 in salmon are also great to moisturize the skin so the skin is spared from problems, premature aging, acne and wrinkles. When it's put it this way, you can look more youthful.

5. Dark chocolate

Dark chocolate brown or black has three main content is good for the skin. First, content of antioxidants that work to reduce skin roughness and good level to combat premature aging or symptoms of wrinkles.

Second, the content of the good fatty acids to moisturize the skin. And third, the content of flavonoids that makes skin look more radiant. By consuming dark chocolate on a regular basis, guaranteed you skin will look younger than actual age. Want to try?

6. Carrot

Nice addition to the eye, carrots are also great for nourishing your skin. The content of vitamin A in carrots would help the process of cleansing the skin thoroughly, be it black flecks, acne scars, light scratches or scars on the face.

Vitamin A in carrot is also going to help regenerate skin cells are broken and dead skin cells that inhibit the breathing pores.

7. Tofu

Know not only tasty and cheap, but also good for making skin look brighter. Soy beans as a base material makers know contain nutrients that are good for the skin.

Besides him, the former water boil tofu is also great for smoothing the skin. With eating tofu and water regularly, know any skin will look twice as healthy.

8. Chia seeds

Chia seeds contain a lot of vitamins, proteins, fiber, and omega 3 which serves as an anti-inflammatory. By consuming chia seeds processed routinely, acne will reluctantly stuck to the skin of the face. So the faces still look clean, healthy, and would have been seamlessly.

9. Melon

Melon fruit is rich in the carotenoid compound that is great for healthy skin. A problem that often occurs on the skin, such as dry skin and acne scars can be overcome easily. In addition, carotenoids are also powerful to slow down the process of premature aging of the skin.

Balancing with white water
In addition to eating healthy foods that have been mentioned above, the source of the vitamins and nutrients balance diligently drinking plain water. Guaranteed dry skin problems can be avoided as the white water already gives maximum moisture to the skin. Consuming at least eight glasses of water a day can make the skin supple, and drink 2 glasses of water 20 minutes before meals will help you lose weight.

Thus, the intensity to come up to beauty clinics can also be reduced since you already have a way to get the skin white and glow without making the bag broke. Good luck.

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