Gout-lowering Foods

Consuming food-lowering uric acid for sufferers and vulnerable suffer high uric acid is very important. Nowadays more articles giving explanations on what food should not be consumed by sufferers of gout, when around us there are many food-lowering uric acids we can try. Eating these foods will more help control the levels of uric acid so that the normal fixed rather than merely abstain with foods cause uric acid high.

Who is not familiar with the disease gout. Patients will complain of severe joint pain and pain in the big toe (typical symptoms of gout) especially if while in cold weather. This disease is pretty much figure it happens in our country because of the ignorance of the community will be the existing nutrient content in the food consumed. For it in this article will discuss some of the food in addition to lower uric acid, we will also discuss what are the foods to avoid high uric acid sufferers.

A Wide Choice Of Healthy Food-Lowering Uric Acid
Uric acid or more commonly known by the medical term Gout Arthritis is a disease that is caused by the occurrence of the processes of inflammation due to the buildup of uric acid crystals in the joints. Crystals of uric acid itself can be formed due to either by excessive intake can also be caused by impaired its expenditure. Some of the food here is an example of uric acid-lowering foods that will help neutralize the high uric acid in the body.

1. Food with a high potassium content

The high potassium content on certain types of food such as bananas, potatoes, tomatoes, and yogurt can also cause an increase in expenditure of uric acid by the kidneys. In addition, the potassium ion is also in the body that holds an important role for maintaining the balance of pH (acidity) in the blood.
Potassium is consumed from the food-lowering uric acid may also prevent the formation of uric acid crystals in the kidneys, so besides being able to prevent uric acid foods can also prevent the occurrence of kidney stones caused by acidic levels high fibers.

2. Choose food carbohydrate complex

Examples of the types of foods with complex carbohydrates are brown rice and brown rice, oats or wheat, potatoes, corn, pumpkins, and several types of vegetables also fruits such as broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, eggplant, cucumbers, and others. The selection of the type of carbohydrate is recommended given the consumption of simple carbohydrates like white sugar, brown sugar, honey, the various types of cookies, milk, and chocolate will increase the rate of fructose is known can increase levels of uric acid in the body We are.

3. Lemon

The fruit of this one is the herbal ingredients with so many positive benefits for our health. One of them is to neutralize uric acid levels in our body. The content of citric acid and Ascorbic acid also owned this fruit is very instrumental in neutralizing a high uric acid in the blood.

According to a research article "Arthritis and Rheumatism" in 2005 reported that consumption of Ascorbic acid or Vitamin C contained in lime or other types of food such as fruit papaya, oranges or strawberries as much as 500 milligrams per a day for 2 months was able to lower the levels of uric acid in significant blood.
You are encouraged to eat as much lemon juice water 2 glasses per day. In addition to the types of fruits rich in Vitamin C, you can consume each day by as much as 2 to 4 times. As an example, You can consume at least one bowl of fruit pieces or 1 whole fruit with a medium size or can be replaced with a glass of fresh fruit juice.

4. cherry fruit

Fresh red fruit and small size is one food that you can try to reduce the symptoms of gout. Cherry fruit contains anthocyanins, an antioxidant that is very good. Anthocyanins have anti-inflammatory effects that can reduce the pain caused by a build-up of uric acid crystals.
Moreover, in a study said as many as 280 grams cherry consumptions could increase spending of uric acid by the kidneys. To get the positive effects you can consume this fruit as much as 200 grams or about 40 cherry fruit per day.

5. An Apple

The content of apples that is important here is the Malic acid content that can neutralize the high levels of uric acid in the blood. You can consume at least 1 Apple per day to control Your uric acid levels in order to reduce the rate of recurrence of the disease.
Besides lowering uric acid as a food you can also try some other processed form of apples, like liquid apple vinegar which is also good for the digestive process so as to facilitate the spending of uric acid. The liquid that comes from the Apple vinegar is widely marketed, You could consume a mixture of 1 cup water with 2 teaspoons apple vinegar and liquid supplement flavor you can add 2 teaspoons of honey.

6. Drink plenty of plain water

Next, drink plain water that many can optimize the work of the kidney in removing uric acid excess, in additions can also help maintain kidney health. The kidney is very important functions in the issuing body, purines content therefore, sufferers of kidney disease susceptible exposed acid disease urat1.

The food is best avoided by sufferers of Gout Disease

After discussing some sort of food-lowering uric acid at the top with a variety of mechanisms to regulate, control, and also lowers the levels of uric acid in the blood, we will now discuss some food abstinence of uric acid. The habit of consuming foods high in purines is one factor causes the disease gout, so in addition, to neutralize uric acid levels and remove it from the body, we still need to control the number of the entry of uric acid from foods We eat.
Uric acid is a product of the metabolism of purine that we can be of different types of food that we consume every day. Aside from the food, purine is also the result of the metabolic breakdown of cells in the human body. For this, we need to know some food abstinence to control uric acid in the blood simply applied.
Some foods to avoid high uric acid sufferers include offal or products of internal organs of animals such as the brain, lungs, liver, spleen, intestine, kidney and tripe that is very much a community consumed by Indonesia. In addition, some types of seafood (seafood) such as shrimp, crab, squid, Octopus, clams, oysters, anchovies and sardines can also increase the levels of uric acid in the blood.
Different types of meat (animal protein) is a source of uric acid that is quite high and this was followed also by the results of a processed meat such as beef jerky and it Axl Rose also. The pressure canned foods such as corned beef and meat that has been packaged as well need to be avoided. In addition to those who have the disease gout, need limited consumption of legumes such as soybeans and petrol crackers, peanuts, and also of Gnetum.
So this article is a discussion about lowering uric acid foods and dietary restrictions are also food for gout sufferers. Hopefully useful!

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